With each having over 30 years of research, teaching, advising, and administration in an academic setting, this leadership team has proved time and again that independent of their backgrounds, motivated students that were given the proper skill set were successful! Their courses are the product of the decades of experience that will provide the foundational knowledge and problem-solving skills needed for success. In addition, specialized courses are designed and created to provide unique desired learning experiences.

Marion Pace Olivieri, PhD Biophysics, Professor of Biology and Chemistry, CEO.
Ph.D. Biophysics, SUNY- Buffalo at Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY. BS Biology and Mathematics and Computer Science, D’Youville College, Buffalo, NY. Served as a professor and chairperson of a mathematics and natural science department at a small private mission centered university.

Victoria Shimanovich, PhD Mathematics, Professor Mathematics and Computer Science, VP Research and Development.
Ph.D. Applied Mathematics, University of Iowa, BS Mathematics Education Moscow State Pedagogical Institute, Moscow, USSR. Taught grade school, high school and college in classrooms and on-line (mathematics, computer science and physics).

Mary Ida Hurley, PhD Anatomy, Professor Biology and Anatomy, VP Mission Integration.
Ph.D. Anatomy and Cell Biology, SUNY-Buffalo. B.S. Physician Assistant D’Youville College, Buffalo, NY. M.A. Anatomy and Cell Biology SUNY-Buffalo. B.A. Department of Biology Canisius College, Buffalo, NY. Experience: Taught undergraduate and graduate sciences courses in high schools, colleges, universities and medical schools.